Thursday, January 16, 2014

Turning friends into Gyaru and deco nails

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So i've been kinda busy these last 3 days one of my best friend 'Momo' came over to get her hair done. It was my first time doing a full sew in weave and it turned out great. I had also bleached the hair and custom colored it and  it was a two day process but it was a labor of love. Momo is one of my very close friends and she has been with me through my gyaru  journey she has watched me from the beginning and she has watched me and encouraged me to become a better gal and as time went on she has become interested in becoming gyaru. So we have these days when she comes over and I do her makeup and I do her hair and we just take selfies. Most of the time we don't get to go out on the town because she works a lot so we only get to do it at night but were planning on doing a get together so we can all go out.  This is her picture below isn't she a cutie a gal in the making I can't wait to see the progress as she becomes more comfortable  and starts doing more flashy gyaru fashion.

 We also went to the nail salon and got our nails done i'm  not to good at doing acrylic nails yet but I'm good at designs so we got our nails put on and we went back to my house so i could deco them. I think they turned out really nice.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, she's cute! Yay, another blog to follow! You should add a "follow by email" or a bloglovin so I can follow and so others can.
